Wedding Guest Etiquette

Attending as a wedding guest is a special privilege and comes with certain responsibilities.

Here are some tips to ensure you're a considerate and enjoyable wedding guest:

1. RSVP Promptly: Respond to the wedding invitation as soon as possible, indicating whether you will attend or not. This helps the couple finalise their arrangements & adjust their budget.

2. Follow the Dress Code: Respect the dress code mentioned in the invitation. Dress appropriately according to the formality of the event.

3. Arrive on Time: Arrive at the venue on time, so you don't disrupt the ceremony or other scheduled events.

4. Respect Seating Arrangements: Find your assigned seat or table and avoid switching unless necessary.

5. Set your phone to silent mode during the ceremony and reception to avoid distractions.

6. Be Mindful of Photography: While taking photos is acceptable, be respectful of the professional photographers and videographers. Don't obstruct their view or interfere with their work.

7. Engage in the Ceremony: Participate actively in the ceremony, such as standing when asked and refraining from talking during vows & speeches.

8. Be Present During Speeches: Give your full attention to speeches and toasts, and avoid side conversations.

9. Mind the Gifts: If you're bringing a gift, adhere to the couple's registry or choose a thoughtful alternative. Gifts are typically sent to the couple's home, not brought to the wedding.

10. Follow Meal Preferences: Respect any dietary preferences or restrictions mentioned in the invitation, and inform the couple or venue staff of any allergies in advance.

11. Enjoy the Dance Floor: Participate in dancing and celebrations if you're comfortable. Don't feel pressured if you'd rather watch from the sidelines.

12. Sign the Guest Book: If there's a guest book, take a moment to sign it with a congratulatory message for the couple.

13. Respect Cultural Traditions: If the wedding involves cultural or religious traditions you're not familiar with, be respectful and observant.

14. Follow Exit Etiquette: If you need to leave the event early, inform the hosts and the couple before doing so. Thank the couple and their families for inviting you and express your happiness for their union.

15. Send a Thank-You Note: Consider sending a thank-you note or message to the couple after the wedding to express your gratitude and share your well-wishes.

Being a considerate and respectful wedding guest helps create a positive atmosphere for the couple's special day. Your presence and good manners contribute to their joyous celebration.


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